Other Additional Procedures in Aesthetic Medicine

DR. Imas has developed, on the basis of his long professional experience, a series of cosmetic creams for the improvement of the texture and look of the skin. The creams contain unique materials which are adapted to the type and tone of the skin and based on a high concentration of active ingredients.

Phenol-based special peeling
For the first time as a local treatment focused on the face, neck, décolletage and hands, without operating rooms, anesthesia or hospitalization.

Mini surgery
Tightening and a gentle lift of the face and eyebrows (temporal lift), by making a tiny surgical incision, is usually performed by only three stitches, under local anesthesia, in the treatments room at the clinic. An additional procedure - face and eyebrow lifts using aptos threads and Silhouette - can also be performed (only for patients with suitable skin).

Subcision as a supplementary treatment to leveling scars
Separating the skin tissue in the affected area from the deeper scar tissue, with a special syringe.

Removing moles and blemishes, including laboratory tests

Reducing the size of ear piercings
that increased in size over the years due to wearing earrings.

Combining several filling materials with personally adapted peeling
Injection of botulinum with hyaluronic acids, body fat and silicone injections in combination with personally adapted peeling for each patient, including dark-skinned patients.

Restoring volume to the back of the hands
A special technique for injecting hyaluronic acid or self body fat, in order to rejuvenate and restore volume to fat that was absorbed during the years in the back of the hands.

Fats extraction – the syringe technique
Local anesthesia, focused, by syringe and tubule only.

An innovative hair plantation method
Achieving a natural look, using a special technique - under a microscope.

Size reduction, extraction of fats, sculpting and dissolution of cellulite
Extracting and dissolving fats, firming and constricting the skin, using a variety of instruments and technologies:
(Radio waves, ultrasound, infra-red, lasers of various wavelengths, magnetic field).

Filling, dissolving and special injections for leveling scars
Corrective treatment for: depressions, leveling scars, keloid scars, body deformities and blemishes which were caused by surgeries (scars, fats extraction, etc.) and congenital anomalies.

Injecting filling materials in other areas
Injecting filling materials to correct and lift the nose and the eyebrows. Smoothing out fine lines in the earlobes, filling the depressions in the temples, the chin, etc…

Counseling and direction before cosmetic plastic surgery

All the aesthetic treatments are performed under one roof

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