Redesigning and correcting a-symmetries

An innovative procedure dissolves lumps and corrects distortions in places where filling materials were unskillfully injected, and improves the look of the affected areas. This procedure can dissolve almost any temporary or permanent filling materials such as: silicone, artecoll, bio-alcamid, body fat and hyaluronic acid.
The procedure is based on a formula that was developed by Dr. Imas. This formula includes ingredients such as steroids and derivatives of 5FUl, which are injected into the affected areas.
These areas show visible imperfections and distortions such as lumps, bumps, disproportion, asymmetry, infections or abnormally grown areas. In order to achieve maximum results, a series of 3-7 treatments is needed, with a month interval between treatments. The dosage changes in every injection, depending on the current state and the type of substances that were injected before. The injected substance has two main effects: it reduces the blood supply to affected areas and delays the formation of collagen around the affected area. Sometimes, between treatments, the volume is reduced and the infectious reaction diminishes. The lumps get smaller and in some cases completely disappear. In some extreme cases, a special syringe, is used to extract the old filling material. It should be noted that each body reacts differently to the dissolution treatments. In most cases very dramatic results can be seen, relative to the existing situation. There is no change in about 10% of the cases. The lips are a very popular area for injections, and therefore also one of the most affected areas. In cased of unskilled injection of industrial (not medically pure) silicone, the lips may get a “duck-like” look, harden and lose all feeling. In addition, lumps, asymmetry and lips distortion may appear and also affect the face. In such cases dissolution procedures are the only solution.

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